A group of girls do yoga in the nude is a very beautiful sight. Girls take various yoga yoga asanas, perform a variety of exercise and at the same time pushing her legs wide and put on display their pink pussies, and who is also large enough buds labia. AEROBICISE: The world most famous erotic exercise show. 24 Million dollars in world wide sales.
No other erotic video ever came close to the fame and success of AEROBICISE. People Magazine called AEROBICISE the sexiest show on TV in 1981. And Playboy Magazine called me «THE GRANDDADDY OF SOFTCORE» More men masturbated to AEROBICISE than any other video ever made! Welcome to the Advanced Practice of Yoga Undressed. Enter our sanctuary, and together we will journey to a place beyond exercise, to that timeless space at the core of your being—-to your inner landscape, where the poetry and power of your soul meets your physical body, where you can reach out and touch the beating heart of the world. Awaken your spirit and unleash the fullness of your infinite potential in this advanced level, Tantric Kundalini Vinyasa practice. Reach new heights of power, precision, insight and ease.
Start with a grounding, challenging kundalini warm-up to awaken and refine your sexual Kundalini shakti energy, and cultivate powerful prana, channeling it up through your spine and and into your body and mind, setting your spirit free! Flow through an awe-inspiring vinyasa segment, including standing balance sequences: backbends, arm-balancing and twisting asanas that integrate breath and movement, awareness and alignment, strength and flexibility. Build long-lasting health benefits, muscular endurance and focus. Come along with Kloe Terae as she teaches a class of willing and ready students how to use the ancient Indian practice of yoga to free their minds and their bodies. Stick with the class as they shed their inhibitions and their clothing, discovering that naked yoga is even more liberating, more seductive, and ultimately, hotter!
Naked Yoga School is a weekly online yoga instructional video series where you will be guided through nude asana sequences in the privacy of your own home. The series was developed with unity in mind and with the aim for each participant to reconnect with themselves and others in an open way. Removing your clothes in your practice is a liberating experience but it can be unnerving at first. The teachers in the videos will guide you through the experience and help you cultivate security, strength, centeredness and wholeness. Nakedness is often viewed with shame and fear. Return to innocence, a sanctuary for your spirit where you can cultivate strength, grace, intimacy and reverence for your own sacred self.
A flowing tantric vinyasa yoga practice combining an introduction to kundalini and the essentials of vinyasa hatha yoga, this Beginner DVD will remind you of your joyful, unfettered spirit, as you move from grounding kundalini exercises to sun salutations, warrior poses, standing balances, backbends and twists. Strengthen and tone every part of your body, increase flexibility and balance and find peace of mind. Feel more empowered, energized, and beautiful with every new asana you learn, all done with a heightened sense of awareness, in your most essential, pure, and natural state, radiant and at one with yourself. Experience the innate power and grace of your life force and your natural beauty, unadorned and perfect because of it— your inherent freedom and essential aliveness that yoga serves to liberate. Купи годовую карту и наслаждайся йогой всего за 1991 руб.
Приобрети карту в день гостевого визита и получи скидку! Живая классика: школа классической индийской йоги Гуру Шанти Прасада, открытая в 8 странах мира, теперь и в Москве. С детства интересовался работами многих мудрецов. Во время своих долгих духовных поисков и многочисленных паломничеств в Индии он встретил многих известных и неизвестных мастеров йоги. Шанти Прасад был посвящен в Шива Раджу йогу его отцом, который, в свою очередь, продолжил школу своего отца как часть семейной традиции.
В 1993 году в Тривандруме, штат Керала, Южная Индия, основал собственную школу духовной йоги Шанти. На данный момент открыты филиалы в таких странах, как Англия, Швеция, Италия, Япония, Таиланд и др. Шанти Прасад глубоко исследовал суть философии Санкхья, Кундалини-йоги, Свара-йоги, Раджа-йоги и Джняна йоги. Преподает йогу в центрах йоги, а также в Аннамалайском Университете, разрабатывает обучающие программы и курсы, сам непосредственно обучает преподавателей по йоге. Многократный победитель различных соревнований и фестивалей как регионального, так и международного масштаба. Выступает в качестве жюри на различных конкурсах. Разработал теорию и практику, а также методологию по проведению занятий по йоге, а также по работе с сознанием и медитациям.